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Legal Advice

Tips for film distributors

In the intriguing case of Randles Films v Quantum Releasing (2014), the complexities of copyright law, particularly the extraterritoriality limitation of the US Copyright Act, come to the forefront. This case serves as a pivotal example of how copyright laws are applied in cross-border disputes and the extent to which US copyright protections extend beyond its borders....

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Tips for IP Portfolio Management

An IP portfolio refers to the collection of intellectual property owned by an individual or a company, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. It serves as a strategic asset for the business, providing protection for the company's products, processes, and ideas. An IP portfolio can be used to deter potential competitors from infringing on the company's intellectual property rights and can also be leveraged to generate revenue through licensing agreements or other commercial transactions....

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All U.S. states except Louisiana have a primary heritage in English law

In nations with a civil law system, legislation, statutes, or codes are the primary sources of law, and courts are required to adhere to these statutes. In common law nations, while courts are also required to follow statutes, they also have the authority to establish new law, known as common law or case law, through their rulings in particular cases. Additionally, they possess the power to declare a statute unconstitutional....

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Overly broad interpretations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)

Ethical hacking involves utilizing mathematical and programming abilities to pinpoint weak areas or susceptibilities in information systems. The hacking realm is categorized based on purpose, with a white hat hacker being an ethical hacker with good intentions. These professionals specialize in penetration testing and other examination methodologies that guarantee the security of an organization's information systems. Most ethical hackers possess advanced knowledge in mathematics, computer programming, networking, and operating systems....

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The Difference between Legal Information and Legal Advice

In conclusion, attorneys are cautious about providing free legal advice because if the advice or forms filled out are incorrect and harm is caused, the attorney may face a malpractice suit. Without having received a fee, the attorney may not have the resources to settle the suit. It is recommended to utilize free legal information to learn about a particular area of law, but seek legal advice from a licensed attorney when ready to take action in a case....

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