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trademarks Tag

Law Offices of Ernest Goodman > Posts tagged "trademarks"

Common Law Trademarks

Imagine this scenario: You start a film production company in California and use a distinctive name for your business over several years. By consistently operating under this specific name, you naturally acquire common law trademark rights. These rights play a crucial role in protecting your business's identity. They essentially prevent other film production companies in the same geographical area from using an identical or confusingly similar name. This form of protection is grounded in unfair competition laws, which are designed to avoid confusion among consumers and safeguard the reputation and brand recognition you've established for your film production company....

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Exploring the Strength of Different Types of Trademarks

The strength of a trademark significantly impacts its protectability and effectiveness in identifying and distinguishing a brand. Generic trademarks offer no protection due to their commonality. Descriptive trademarks are protectable only after acquiring a secondary meaning. Suggestive trademarks, being more abstract, are inherently protectable. Arbitrary trademarks rank among the strongest due to their uniqueness and distinctiveness....

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